Customer Mary tried the plan a couple of years ago lost nearly 2 stone but then started a new relationship and things went downhill fast. She grew to love meals out and cinema dates with ice cream and popcorn. Having been a single mum for years, Mary loved all that came from being part of what felt like a proper family but unfortunately the side effects of that was a lot of unhealthy choices and a huge amount of weight gain.
Therefore, with a newfound determination, Mary began again on 6th January 2020 and hasn’t looked back. To date, she has lost 2stone 10lb & was named RUNNER-UP in our 2020 Transformation Challenge.
Here is what she had to say about her success…

Mary, why did you decide to take part in the 2020 Transformation Challenge?
I started the challenge because I’m getting married this year, or at least I hope I still am – I know none of us have any certainty at this time so with all the uncertainty, the challenge kept me motivated when I felt really down or felt like giving up. I think we all like a little healthy competition deep down.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned since taking part in the challenge?
That anything is achievable if you really want it bad enough.

Describe how you felt before you started the plan?
Embarrassed, ashamed, the list of emotions is endless. I stopped socialising, I became reclusive to a degree and now I’m proud of myself and what I’ve achieved, enough so that I shared my progress on my personal Facebook page, which is something I would never have done 3 months ago.
How did you discover The New You Plan?
A girl in my caravan site had lost a large amount of weight and managed to keep it off and she recommended it to me.

How has the plan changed your life? How has your health improved?
My life has turned around. I feel healthy, my skin is glowing, my psoriasis has cleared up with all the water I’ve been drinking. I have buckets of energy and I love going out with my girlfriends. I even ordered my wedding dress after putting it off for ages because I’m confident in what I’m going to achieve. I’ve recently started to exercise and I’m loving it, especially with the isolation. It’s nice to have something to focus on that’s just for me. I feel great.
What was your biggest motivator in staying on track?
My kids, without question – seeing their faces when I hit a new target and knowing how proud they were off me. I’ve 2 little girls and a healthy relationship with food is extremely important. I never want them to struggle like I have.
What’s your biggest non-scale victory?
Going for my wedding dress fitting and the girls in the shop had to keep retaking and checking my measurements because they couldn’t get over the difference in such a short period of time.

Since losing weight, what is your happiest memory / proudest moment?
Putting my progress on my social media and the amount of support I received from people was overwhelming. I even had a personal trainer message me and offer to do me a workout to help me tone whilst I’m on my journey. The kindness of some people is truly astounding.
What has been your biggest non-scale victory?
I tried on a coat in a shop and it was a few sizes smaller than I would normally have lifted off the hanger. The lady in the cloak room told me she thought it was too big for me and I needed a smaller size. I explained I had lost weight and my brain just hadn’t caught up yet and she was so complimentary that I left that shop feeling like pretty woman, with a shiny new coat.

What are your favourite New You meals and snacks?
I love the Omelette, the Pancakes, the Mint and Orange Shakes and the Gummy Bears keep me going when I just need something sweet (I keep them in the freezer to chew for longer)

What advice would you offer anyone thinking of starting the plan?
You need to be kind to yourself, if you fall down get straight back up. Use the Secret Slimmers page morning, noon and night and above all else drink the water. Some wise person told me to think of it as a fat blaster – the more you drink the more you lose. And enjoy the journey because it’s going to take you to the best place EVER…..

Getting started is the first step in your journey to a brand New You! To help you understand fully how our plan works, our Get Started page was designed specifically for people new to the plan.
Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.
Click here to visit our Get Started page!
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The post 2020 Transformation Challenge Runner Up: Mary Lost 2st 10lbs appeared first on Top Seller Website.
source https://topsellers.website/2020-transformation-challenge-runner-up-mary-lost-2st-10lbs/
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