Sunday, May 10, 2020

Cooked vs. Raw: What’s the Difference?


Proper nutrition is critical to optimal wellness. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, organic whole grains, nuts and seeds is a habit that can ensure you look and feel your best as you age. But does the way you prepare these foods make them better or worse for you? While the Hallelujah Diet focuses mostly on promoting raw, plant-based eating, we still break down our regimen into a daily consumption of 85 percent living foods and 15 percent cooked foods. That means both ways are beneficial and important for optimal health.

Understanding the Difference
When your diet consists mostly of fruits and vegetables, you’re giving your body an abundance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals to fuel your system and boost your energy. While cooked vegetables are certainly beneficial, raw options offer the most nutrients because they avoid the heating and cooking process.

Unfortunately, heating reduces the nutritional value in vegetables and can also decrease the enzymes within the foods. While that is a downfall, there is an upside to eating cooked vegetables. For instance, they have more calories and include certain important phytochemicals like carotenoids, lutein and lycopene.

Eat plenty of raw vegetables on your plant-based journey

Incorporating Raw and Cooked Foods
Going off of our ratio of 85 percent living foods and 15 percent cooked foods, the Hallelujah Diet ensures you get just the right amount of nutrients by combining the different options throughout your day. Remember, the amount of living foods you eat doesn’t need

The post Cooked vs. Raw: What’s the Difference? appeared first on Top Seller Website.


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