Thursday, September 12, 2019

Tips for Healthy Skin as You Age

Skin naturally changes as you age. You lose fullness, gain lines and wrinkles and notice dryness more often – and it’s inevitable. What isn’t out of your control, however, is how you treat your skin throughout your lifetime. There are dozens of factors that influence the way your complexion changes over time, and many of those come from lifestyle choices you made as a teenager and young adult, and carried on to your everyday habits.

Beyond the natural wear and tear God expected to come of your skin, there are numerous ways to maintain healthy skin as you age and ensure overall wellness in your complexion. Here are a few tips:

1. Don’t Think Twice About Unhealthy Habits
If one thing’s for sure, it’s that smoking and drinking alcohol is detrimental to overall health. These two harmful habits are especially bad for the skin, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Drinking excess alcohol dehydrates the skin, while smoking causes wrinkles and an unnatural, yellow complexion. Consider this information more reason not to think twice about picking up these bad habits.

2. Prioritize Stress Management
Too much stress can cause an imbalance in your hormones, ultimately making your skin more sensitive and prone to acne flare ups and other conditions. By prioritizing stress management through Bible study, prayer, relaxation techniques and hobbies that keep you happy, you can reduce blemishes in your complexion.

3. Stay Hydrated
Whether you’re drinking lots of water or relying on your primarily raw, plant-based diet to keep

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